Watershed (Romans 4)

Watershed moments are events or times in our life that change the way we think and feel about everything from that point on. What are some of your watershed moments?  

Saul’s conversion experience, where he encountered the resurrected Christ, was a watershed moment. From that moment on, Saul became Paul and his life went in an entirely different direction, and now that he knew the resurrected Messiah, he saw everything from a different perspective, including the most sacred and foundational stories of his people. 

In Romans 4, Paul retells of the story of Abraham to Jews and early Christians. He argues that the God of Abraham is the same God who raised Jesus, who made Saul into Paul, and who has brought each one of us back from the dead, too.

Abraham’s children were not only the Jews—but all those who believe: a family of faith, not biology or blood, an unlimited family, welcoming people from every nation and every tongue. This is Paul’s universe rattling, watershed declaration. The God of Abraham was the God of resurrection who gave life to Jesus who gives life to all who believe. 


In Christ (Romans 5-6)


The Romans Road Less Traveled (Romans 3)